
Tysiące lat po tym, jak ich przodkowie próbowali zniszczyć rasę wampirów w Nosgoth, pozostali przy życiu ludzie wciąż płacą za rozpętaną wtedy wojnę.

Zrzuciwszy jarzmo niewolnictwa i odbudowawszy swą cywilizację, ludzkość ze wszystkich zakątków krainy połączyła siły, by zniszczyć wampiry raz na zawsze. Wzrost ich liczby oraz ponowne odkrycie utraconych wcześniej umiejętności wytwarzania broni oraz biegłości w alchemii, czyni ich potężnymi wojownikami.

From Slaves to Soldiers

Humans don’t like sharing Nosgoth with Vampires, they never have. Vampires have preyed on Humans since time immemorial - drinking their blood, violating everything that it is to be Human. In Human eyes, every Vampire is an abomination worthy only of extermination.

Thousands of years on from when their ancestors attempted to eradicate the race of Vampires from Nosgoth, the remaining Humans have been paying the price for that war ever since. Split into disparate communities, often without any communication, Human communities developed their own identity. Accents, fighting styles and skills varied from settlement to settlement.

Forced from warriors and Vampire hunters into being slaves and food for their masters, Humans eked out a miserable existence. Generations of Humans were reared by the Vampires in blood farms, the numbers tripling or more each generation, and the ease with which each Vampire could feed grew. Newborns were denied light, taken at birth from the breeding pens and drained until they were near death before being allowed to recuperate.

However, as the Vampire civil war took more and more of the Vampires’ attention, the Humans seized the chance to regroup. Growing in number, stealing new technologies in alchemy and rediscovering lost techniques in weapon making, Humans have now expanded from rough villages to retake and rebuild their lost cities.

Those Humans who survived battle with their former masters passed their skills and experience onto new generations. So it was that a new Human army came into being, fighting for the same cause as those in eras past - the utter extinction of the Vampire race.